
Greenmount Acquire Alfa Fans and Metrico International

Greenmount Acquire Alfa Fans and Metrico International

The Greenmount group of companies have acquired a 100% shareholding in Alfa Fans,. Alfa Fans manufacture heavy duty centrifugal and axial flow fans from their factory in Cannock, Staffordshire. Alfa also owns all intellectual property rights of Metrico International.

Mark Whelan , Contracts director stated ‘This is an extremely exciting purchase for Greenmount Fans. We have now significantly expanded our manufacturing capabilities. The workforce at Alfa are renowned within the trade for producing high quality products in short lead times. This acquisition should enable us comfortably satisfy the global contracts we have recently undertaken’

The acquisition was handled by Mr Ed Foulkes, commercial partner of Lockett, Loveday and McMahon Solicitors in Manchester. Mr Foulkes added ‘Manufacturing has occasionally been the victim of negative press, with the sector continuing to face a challenging environment as a result of a number of domestic and international factors’

‘Potential for companies to expand in certain areas does exist, as Greenmount Fans predominantly supplied to UK based companies. The business now has a number of worldwide clients and has recently undertaken contracts in Oman, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, Australia and China.’